Here is the next part in my series on compositional SQL. In this one show how to handle AS and DESC and give a more rigorous semantics.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Why Programming Languages Should Die
Back in the day, the semicolon issue was a big deal. Compiling was a lot slower so putting a semicolon in the wrong place was a painful experience shared by everyone except Lisp programmers. Cliques and parties formed around concepts of proper semicolon use. Some enterprising rabblerouser did a study that showed that the Pascal syntax that treated semicolons as statement separators led to more syntax errors than the C syntax which treated semicolons as statement terminators. This inflamed the great controversy.
In those days, it was common for someone to introduce a new programming language with a brief description of the major features and those brief descriptions commonly included the language’s position on the semicolon issue. Python became famous as the language that “solved” the semicolon issue by making indentation significant. It was an interesting language with lots of interesting features, but was mostly known for the indentation. The Icon programming language had some marvelous innovations. Descriptions of it often went something like this:
Icon is a procedural programming language where any expression can potentially generate a stream of results rather than just one. Boolean operations and control structures are defined to make use of multiple results in ways that make them more powerful than in single-result languages. There are powerful built in data structures and a string scanning construct that uses generators to create a new way of matching and parsing strings. Oh, and semicolons are statement separators except that they are optional at the end of a line when they are not needed for disambiguation.
One of these things is not like the others. Would Icon have been a significantly different language if there had been a different semicolon rule?
It gets worse. It isn’t enough that language designers get pedantic about semicolons, companies and programming groups get pedantic about how long your lines get, where the left brace goes, and how many spaces you indent.
Why don’t mathematicians get hung up on syntax like this? Where are the competing mathematics languages with schools of thought about whether the factorial symbol ought to be a suffix operator or a prefix operator? Mathematicians make up notation as they go and there are usually not too many complaints (there are some notable exceptions like Principia Mathematica).
Notation doesn’t matter so much to mathematicians because mathematics is only intended to be read by people. Programming languages must be readable by machines as well as by people and so there is a need to compromise between the strict rules that are needed by computers vs. the flexibility that is valued by people.
But that compromise is only needed because the computer needs to read the same text file that the people read. What if it didn’t? What if the computer could read a file of abstract syntax trees and people could still read programming language text?
An abstract syntax tree or AST is how the compiler sees your program after parsing and before generating code. It is basically the logical structure of your program. More specifically, the compiler sees your program as a symbol table that matches symbols like function names to abstract syntax trees that implement the function. And this is how the computer should always represent the logical structure of a program --not just in the compiler. The programming language text should only be an form of presentation to the user and never input to the computer.
Imagine an editor that guides you in writing a program. You don’t have to know the exact computer-precise syntax for a function declaration. You just press a button that says “create function” and the computer prompts you for the function name. Then it prompts you for the return type, then for the parameters and their types. When you have entered the information the computer shows you the function declaration and puts your editing point in the body of the function. When you type “if” in the function body, the computer lays out an if statement with condition, then branch, and else branch empty for you to fill in.
There are programming editors that superficially work like this, but what they do is generate programming language text for the compiler to read. What I am proposing is that the computer builds the abstract syntax tree as the user types and generates code directly from that AST. The computer never stores programming language text on disk, only presents it to the user in an editing window as a view of the AST. And when the editor presents the text, it automatically formats it according to some specification so the user never has to worry about how many spaces to indent or how long the lines are.
Modern integrated development environments have a cataloging function or a separate program that reads through the source files parsing them just enough to get declarations so that they can construct a database of named entities (classes, functions, variables, etc.) and then the code browser uses that database to look up declarations in the source code. The database can get out of date, and it can slow down your computer when the cataloging function is running. This is not needed if the computer stores the program as an AST. The internal representation of the program already is a database of declarations that the code browser can access directly.
Other utilities like the debugger, the diff program, and the revision control system also have to work with ASTs rather than text so they can work with logical structure rather than lines and they don’t need a parser to do so.
How the computer presents the progam to the user is no longer bound to a particular language, only to the logical structure of the program. The user can ask for a C-like representation:
int f(int n) {
if (n < 2) {
return 1;
} else {
return n*f(n-1);
or Pascal:
function f(n: integer):integer is
if n < 2 then
factorial := 1
factorial := n*f(n-1)
or Lisp:
(function (f n)
(cond (< n 2) 1 (* n (f (- n 1)))))
or pick a more mathematical representation like
f(n) = 1, n < 2
f(n) = n * f(n-1) otherwise
(the above is a real equation in Docs, but as usual it didn't transfer over to Blogger).
The possibilities are endless. There is no need to stick with ASCII or even text. Any form of presentation is possible, perhaps a graphical representation based on flow charts or E/R diagrams.
Now let’s go back to C notation and ask the editor to change the function name to “factorial”:
int factorial(int n) {
if (n < 2) {
return 1;
} else {
return n*factorial(n-1);
There is no need for the programmer to go through the program finding every instance of “f”, figuring out if it is a call to the function and changing it; the computer represents each call to f() as a pointer to symbol-table entry, not as a name. So when you change the name of f() in the symbol table the representation on the screen changes everywhere.
Up to now the computer has been hiding certain grungy parts of the code so that we can study the main logic undisturbed by the details of error handling. But when we want to see the grungy details, the computer shows us:
int f(int n) {
if (n < 2) {
return 1;
} else {
try {return n*f(n-1);}
catch (NumericOverflowError e) {...}
catch (StackOverflowError e) {...}
Notice that we aren’t changing the code, here, just revealing or hiding parts.
Even more complex view changes are possible. For example suppose you have a collection of object that all have a print method in common. Sometimes you want to see the print method as part of the object so that you can compare what it does with the members of the object:
class Foo::InterfaceX {
int x;
void print(ostream::out) {out << x;}
Other times you want to see all of the print methods together so you can compare what the different print methods in different classes are doing, perhaps with a syntax like this:
void InterfaceX::print(ostream::out) {
typecase(this) {
case Foo: {out << x;}
case Bar: {out << y << "." << z;}
case Zed:
Again, we aren’t changing the code, just viewing it in a different way.
When the program is represented as text the editor has to be able to do a complete parse of the program in order to come up with these sorts of sophisticated global view changes. But when the program is in the form of a name table of ASTs, then it is just a matter of some tree manipulation.
With this model of programming, a whole class of errors become impossible. You can’t put a semicolon or brace in the wrong place because you don’t type them at all (except possibly as a keyboard shortcut to indicate the end of a statement or something). Parentheses, braces, semicolons, function headers, class headers, type declarations --these are all just computer generated representations of your program structure. With programs-as-text, you have to tell this structure to the computer. With programs-as-ASTs, the computer tells you the structure. Of course you have to define the structure in some way. Perhaps with a dialog or perhaps with actual text --but in this case, the computer will not let you enter wrong text --or at least, will not accept dumb typing errors.
For example, misspelling variable or function names is a thing of the past because the computer can’t parse the name until you spell it right. And since the computer knows all names that are in scope at any point, it can give you an abbreviated list of choices to complete the name. When you want to use a function from another module, you type the name; the computer gives you a list of modules that define the name, and you pick one. From then on, that name means what you told the computer it means and you don’t have to worry about changing what it means by careless use of declarations, imports or includes. The computer writes the declarations, imports and includes for you and always does it properly.
Of course there are complexities to deal with. If you look carefully at the different language examples then you will see cases where there are slightly different abstract syntax trees represented in the different languages. To handle these language differences the presenter of the AST has to be sophisticated enough to do certain local transformation based on the requested source language.
It would be impossible (or at least, very difficult) to implement full language-to-language translations. It would be better to invent extensions to various languages to support certain features. For example, basic Pascal does not have classes so if the language being presented has classes and you want to present it in Pascal form then you have to use a form of Pascal that has a class extension.
This is the way things ought to be in the Twenty-First Century. Computers should not use text as the internal representation for complex structures such as programs. Data should be represented as object and there should be generic tools to deal with such objects. Having a logical internal representation to deal with makes so many things so much easier to do, that it could lead to an explosion of new development methods if we had this sort of representation for programs.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
GUI vs. SPUI --the Semantic Presentation User Interface
In the beginning IBM created the punch card and the PCUI. And the PCUI was ungainly and plagued by lost punch cards. The Punch-Card User Interface or PCUI (pronounced Puh-Koo-ee) was the first wide-spread commercial interface for computers. I am old enough to have used punch cards in college. They were not a great user interface. It was an enormous improvement when I first moved to a Command-Line Interface or CLUI (pronounced Kloo--ee as in “Did you find a clue?” “Not really, but I found something that’s sort of clue-y”).
In the command-line interface, the user has to learn many commands and options. He types in a command on a keyboard and the computer outputs a response to the screen. This sort of interface extends very easily and naturally to scripting where the user enters a sequence of commands in a file and executes them in a batch. CLUIs are also a high-bandwidth interface in the sense that an experienced user can type in commands and options very fast. But CLUIs require expertise on each application (or constant reading of documents) and for many applications they require even more expertise to read the outputs because it is not possible to output good graphs, charts, pictures, and other representations that make information understandable to humans.
So along came the Graphical User Interface or GUI (pronounced like “gooey”). This user interface required much less expertise on a given application because there were menus that let you look for the command that you want and dialogs that prompted you to enter your options, and beautiful, detailed, scrollable and clickable graphs, charts, and pictures to present data. For applications that they know, typical GUI users may not be able to interact with the computer as fast as CLUI users, but GUI can be much faster for new and seldom-used applications because they don’t have to read documentation.
However the GUI also has some serious drawbacks:
Platform Dependence
Typical GUIs need to be modified for different platforms such as web browsers, Android, iPhone, MS Windows, X Windows, etc. This is an expensive process because different platforms have different APIs, and the APIs are generally so different as to require a very detailed rewriting. There are some portable APIs that work on different platforms but they have not become very influential, in large part --I presume-- because they can’t keep up with the constant proliferation of important new platforms.
Not everyone can read normal-sized type. Not everyone can read type at all. Device makers have become very good at supplying magnifiers, audio text readers and other accessibility tools, but these are necessarily after-the-fact hacks tacked on to the application. There are disadvantages to such generic tools vs. a real interface built into the application to provide accessibility. And no matter how good these tools get, the pace of innovation (or at least change) in user interfaces will always leave them with interfaces that they don’t know how to handle.
And there are different levels of accessibility needs. Some people who can’t use a standard application on a smartphone would be able to use it easily if it just had 25% larger fonts. Many applications let you expand the screen some surprising ones don’t. Google, which works very hard at accessibility doesn’t allow enlarging fonts in one of their flagship products --Google Maps. You can expand the screen, but all that does is zoom in on the map and keep the street names in a tiny font that few people over the age of 40 can read. This is the kind of design failure that happens when you leave accessibility design up to individual application writers.
Device and Display Dependence
Resolutions, pixel layout, aspect ratio, color support, frame rate, physical update characteristics of the screen, device performance, all can affect what kind of presentation looks best. On many platforms it is very difficult to write a GUI that looks good across all possible displays. It requires extensive testing on each display. Sometimes you may need to change fonts and not just font size to make text look good on a different display.
There are other issues as well. On some platforms users expect fancy animations and other graphical features that stress a processor but other platforms cannot keep up with those effects. Some devices have special displays that need an entirely different sort of user interface such as wrist computers or e-book readers.
Input Device Dependence
A mouse needs different rules of interaction than a touch screen. A touch screen that supports multi-touch has different rules of interaction than one that does not. A very small device like a watch may have only a few buttons. Speech-controlled devices have yet another form of interaction. Devices for people with physical disabilities may have entirely different forms of input.
Language and Culture
It is not that hard to internationalize a GUI so that it works well for 90% of all languages and cultures. And that is what many i18n projects do. This leaves 10% of computer users out in the cold, because their language just doesn’t fit the model or because they aren’t economically important enough to matter.
Individuals Preferences
Some people like bright colors; other people do not. Some people like busy, crowded screens; other people do not. Some people like slick animations and transparency; other people do not. But if you are using a GUI, you are subject to the whims of whoever controls the GUI design. If you had a huge investment in Microsoft Office documents and you hated the change from menus to ribbons, for example, you were stuck. You and everyone else in your office were forced to waste a few days relearning software that you had been using for a decade. This is the kind of problem that you get into when companies start thinking that they need to drive fashion in GUIs like famous designers do in apparel. The difference, of course, is that you don’t have to spend days learning how to wear a new style of sport coat.
Functionality vs. Presentation
For most applications with a user interface there is an abstract line to be drawn between the functionality that the application provides and the way that it presents that functionality to the user. This division is not just an engineering distinction; it is also a product distinction. Some projects are primarily driven by a vision of functionality --a program that does something that users need done. Other projects are driven primarily by a vision of how to present things to the user. But the functionality-driven project often has to spend enormous time and resources on providing a GUI, even though they don’t think the exact form of GUI is very important. And the GUI-driven project has to implement an underlying functionality even though they don’t feel that they have anything particular to offer in that area. I believe that the large majority of projects fall into one of these two categories: functionally projects forced to provide a GUI or GUI projects forced to provide functionality.
Not only are projects forced to do a great deal of extra work on an area where they are not experts and not particularly inspired but the extra work often complicates the part of the program that they really want to concentrate on. Good programmers are aware of the line between functionality and user interface and they make an effort to keep these parts separate but there is usually a large fuzzy area that interleaves the two parts. If you have a widget that presents a table, sometimes it is just easier and more efficient to let the widget manage the data than to keep moving data back and forth between the widget and another data structure. Sometimes a callback function is so small that you may as well just put the functionality you need in the function itself rather than have it call into a separate functional part of the program. This mixing of parts makes both parts more complex, harder to write and harder to maintain, but many projects do it anyway. Sometimes for good reasons.
The Semantic Presentation User Interface
The Semantic Presentation User Interface or SPUI (pronounced spoo-ee) is a concept that completely separates the functionality of an application from its interface. This separation is not done at the application level but at the platform level. Each device provides a default presentation layer that interfaces with an application to present the published data structures of the application. Presentation layers vary dramatically from device to device, from big-screen TVs to watches. Not all will be graphical; an audio interface device would have an entirely audio output.
With this model, a company that has a vision to build some great new application does not have to build a GUI to go with it. They simply have to decide what data of the application users need to see and what operations that they need to do on this data. Then the programmers build an abstract interface for these features and they are done with the user interface. Their application can now be used on any device that has the necessary features in the presentation layer.
Another company that has a vision for how to present data and interact with computers does not need to create an application to show off their great new ideas in user interfaces. All they have to do is write presentation classes to load into the presentation layer. Every application on the device can then use this new user-interface technology with no changes --every application that publishes an object that can be displayed by the new classes.
The SPUI concept is related to the Model-View-Controller design pattern and more specifically to the Presentation Model pattern or the Model-View-ViewModel patterns. What is different is that the SPUI concept appears to an application writer (if not a GUI writer) like an entirely different kind of user interface. All the application writer has to do is specify the semantics of his application and the system takes care of the rest. This is made possible by an application interface based on an interface language much like the IDL of CORBA or the interface language of protocol buffers. The language used by a SPUI is the Semantic Application Programming Interface Language or SAPIL.
Interface languages come in many varieties, but most languages designed to provide an interface between application tend to mimic the types of programming languages. The typically have numbers and strings and something like a struct or class. Some also have sets or lists or some other collection type and some of them have references or pointers that can connect objects in a network structure. It is up to the application writers to know the meaning of these structures. For example, if a particular member of an object is an unsigned integer that represents a phone number, then this is something that that the receiving application just has to know so that it can do the right things with the number.
SAPIL, because it is intended to connect applications to users rather than just applications to applications, has a richer type system that provides more of the meaning of the data. In SAPIL, a phone number has a special type so that the presentation layer knows how to display it. The type “phone number” is not just a number with some formatting information. Rather, it is semantic information that tells the presentation layer what significance this number holds to the people using the application. The presentation layer might present it in any form that is most appropriate for the context in which the user is viewing it. It could parenthesis around the area code or put a dash in front. It could show the country code or not. It may even leave out the area code in some circumstances. All of this is possible because of the semantic content that tells the presentation layer what the integer means, not just which integer it is.
For some other interface languages, the classes generated in the target language are highly specialized classes as interface elements. They are not as efficient as the class that would come from a similar declaration in the language itself. For example, if you declare a class using the interface language of Protocol Buffers, you will get a C++ class that doesn’t have the same members. Instead, you get getter and setter methods to access the elements. The typical usage of Protocol Buffers is to copy an internal data structure (or parts of it) to a protocol buffer, send a message, get a reply, and then copy the reply to an internal data structure for further processing.
SAPIL has a goal of minimizing the programmer and runtime work needed to deal with the interface, so SAPIL tries very hard to generate normal, efficient data structures in the host language that can be used for normal computation. The model of SAPIL is that the programmer creates the data structures that he needs to implement the functionality and then he publishes some of these data structures (or parts of them) to the user. It is up to the machinery of SAPIL to get out the parts that need to be displayed and send them to the presentation layer.
SAPIL Classes
As an example, lets look at a simple file manager application. One thing a file manager needs to display is files. The presentation layer doesn’t know about files so the application must declare what a file is. It might look something like this:
class File {
string name;
unsigned size;
string owner;
timestamp creationTime;
string path;
This defines a class with five members. Four of the members are published, meaning that when an object of this class is presented, those members will be displayed in some form. The member path is public, meaning that the generated class definition will declare it as public but it is not presented in the user interface. There can also be private members which would be declared as private in the generated class.
For C++ the generated class definition would be something like this:
class File : public Presentable {
published<string> name;
published<unsigned> size;
published<string> owner;
published<timestamp> creationTime;
string path;
The application programmer can use File just like any other class and it is nearly as small and efficient as the class that the programmer would have written in the source language. The template type published handles the special features of published variables. It may be necessary to define an assignment operator on published values that records that the value has been changed so that the presenter knows that it needs to update the value. I need to put more thought into this area.
When a file object is displayed, the presenter will use the member names as labels except that it may modify the letter case and it recognizes underscores and lowercase followed by uppercase as word separators. The presenter might present a dialog with the file information that looks like this:
Creation Time
2010-04-15 09:12:22.32
The presentation of a given class is not always the same. SAPIL supports not only classes but also other data structures such as lists. A list of Files would be declared like this
Type FileList is List<File>
and the presenter might then display the files in tabular form and put the names in a table header like this:
Creation Time
2010-04-15 09:12:22.32
2010-04-15 08:32:12.89
A SAPIL class can also have method declarations. Published method declarations represent operations that can be executed on an object in the user interface. They might, for example show up as buttons or as items in a context menu depending on the presenter:
class File {
string name;
unsigned size;
string owner;
timestamp creationTime;
string path;
void delete();
void rename(string newFileName);
void SPUI_open();
void SPUI_dragAndDrop();
void SPUI_copy();
void SPUI_cut();
void SPUI_paste();
The methods beginning with “SPUI_” are special methods used by the presenter for certain user actions. For a method with arguments like rename() the presenter does something to ask the user for the argument values. It may, for example, open a dialog box with the message “Enter new file name”. The same rules are used to break up these parameter names into words as are used for class members.
These methods can be used by the application as well as by the presenter so the application writers do not need to write two functions to rename a file. They can just write one function and make it available to both the presentation layer and the application internal code.
The presenter can infer some semantic information from the class structure, but classes often contain additional meaning that is just not apparent from the structure alone. This semantic information is provided by the use of attributes. A member or method declaration can be preceded by a label attribute to give that member a different name from the name that it has in the class. For example suppose that the programmer used cTime rather than creationTime as the member name. Then it would be a good idea to communicate a better name to the presenter with a label attribute:
class File {
label "created" timestamp cTime;
The label attribute applies to an individual but other attributes can apply to groups of members. In particular there is the group attribute which forms a named group of members:
class File {
string name;
unsigned size;
string owner;
group "timestamps" {
label "created" timestamp cTime;
label "modified" timestamp mTime;
label "accessed" timestamp aTime;
A group behaves similarly to a nested class, but it is only a feature of the user interface; it is transparent to the application programmer. The presenter may put a box around these attributes giving them a label, or it may present them on a different page or a different tab. The point is that the application programmer just provided the semantic information that these three members form a conceptual group. What the presenter does with that information is not the application programmer’s concern.
Our file manager will also need to represent a directory structure. The presenter does not know about directories but it does know about trees. A tree is declared like this:
class Directory extends File, Tree {
children List<File> contents;
This declaration says that Directory is a subtype of both File and Tree. It extends File with a member named contents which is a list of Files. The children attribute says that this member is a list of children in the tree structure. Multiple children members are allowed and they may be of other aggregate types such as Set and Map in addition to List. Related to the children attribute is the child attribute: an attribute labeled child represents a single child in the tree rather than a list of children.
The child and children attributes may be used in any combination. They are only there to provide semantic information to the presentation layer and have no significance to the application programmer other than as internal documentation.
We might want to add some methods to our directory structure
class Directory extends File, Tree {
children List<File> contents;
unsigned diskUsage();
FileList find(
label "file name pattern" string pattern="",
label "other file systems" bool xdev=false,
label "max search depth" int maxDepth=0)
Notice that attributes can also apply to the parameters of a method. The presenter will ask the user for the values of the arguments, possibly by showing a dialog with the default values already filled in. The find() and diskUsage() methods return a value which signals to the presentation layer that it has to present whatever the method returns.
Extension and Customization and Builtins
No strategy of this type can ever be complete. There are always going to be new sorts of things --meanings-- that have to be handled. And even for the old things, there are always going to be special ways to present things in special contexts that there is no attribute to specify. There has to be a way to extend SAPIL/SPUI and there has to be a way for application writers to customize their own applications, possibly through a local form of the extension method.
Builtin Types
However, to maximize the set of things that SAPIL can handle natively, we need a large set of meaningful types. Here are some of the types that SAPIL might support:
number (arbitrary precision)
phone number
IPv4 address
IPv6 address
MAC number
HTML (or some other formatting standard)
time interval by some calendar unit
raster image
vector graphics (2D, 3D, animation)
video (soundtrack)
sound sample
synthesized sound
network (I prefer “network” to “graph” because the word is less overloaded)
array (multi-dimensional)
Text with logical formatting such as used in LaTeX along with hyperlinks and embedded objects of other types. Does not allow for author-defined fonts. The presentation layer choses physical fonts. Items are laid out automatically using normal document rules.
a set of raster and vector images for layers, GPS coordinates for the upper-left corner, and the length of the sides.
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