Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Why I'm suing Google

I'm "the other plaintiff" on the famous Damore lawsuit against Google. Since there is some curiosity about the case, I thought I'd write this note to give people a little information about me and about my reasons for going forward with the lawsuit.
First, I don't hate Google, and I certainly don't hate the people who work there. The large bulk of Googlers are wonderful people — smart, kind, and wanting to do the right thing. I wouldn't want this suit to give people a bad opinion of Googlers, but, honestly, they brought this on themselves for tolerating the hatred, racism and misandry of a small but vocal and organized subgroup who want to use Google as a vehicle of social change rather than as a vehicle of delivering excellent service and products to their customers.
I was disappointed at the lack of support I received from the good people at Google when I came under attack. In fact, I was attacked largely for coming to the defense of others. I hoped my example would set a precedent, and others would join me in standing up for kindness, tolerance, and just getting along despite differences, but no. Although I am disappointed, I do understand why people stood silent while their colleague was treated unfairly. Everyone is afraid of the hate group that dominates the discussion at Google. No one wants to jeopardize their job or career prospects to defend someone they don't know.
I understand, and that is why we need lawsuits like this — to make the consequences of going along with the illegal behavior of the hate groups worse than the consequences of challenging them. Courage from better incentives. I believe a lot of Googlers and others in Silicon Valley will secretly welcome this lawsuit as a vehicle for giving them the support they need to speak out when they see something wrong. At least, that is my hope.


  1. No need to be secretive. Your message is empowering and is much appreciated.

  2. Yeah, you seem very oppressed.

    "Gudeman also posted supportive comments on internal forums about then-President-elect Donald Trump in the fall of 2016 and bickered with a Muslim co-worker who wrote about his fears of religious discrimination. Gudeman wrote that he looked into the employee’s background and questioned him about a recent trip to Pakistan, according to the lawsuit. These comments led to his termination in December 2016."


    1. My what a biased article you linked to. The article describes all of Damorre and Gudeman's statements as claims and allegations. Their detractors, including Google, claims are stated as absolute fact with out any attempt to get the other side of the story from Damorre or Gudeman. Almost makes me wonder if the writer had an agenda just like Google and many of its employees.

    2. Yes, that is a very biased and dishonest account of what happened. One of the reasons that people didn't want to come forward was because they knew major newsa sources would be lying about them and people would be mocking them for being victims, just like what happened to Jason.

    3. You are joking right? Gizmodo is one of the trashiest fake news sources around

    4. If it's dishonest can you refute specifics? Specifically the passage that heynowayman included.

    5. David, how can you expect anyone to take you seriously when your response to criticism isn't to address the content of the criticism, but to poison the well?

    6. All these anonymous responses. Are they helping you, David and James?


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you for doing this. In my eyes Google is looking more and more a communist party.

  5. Communist, Bolshevik, fascist, Nazi, what matters is that Googlies and Google itself have revealed themselves as sheltering and favoring bigoted totalitarianism, including violent bigoted totalitarianism.

    That they've got "Faculty of Arts" academics on their side only increases their similarity with the early Nazis and early communists.

    From the Oxford English Dictionary:

    Bigot: NOUN A person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions.

    Totalitarian: ADJECTIVE Relating to a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state. [in this case movement, since they haven't taken over a country yet]


    1. Mammal n.: Any of various warm-blooded vertebrate animals of the class Mammalia, whose young feed on milk that is produced by the mother’s mammary glands.

      Mamma n.: 1. An organ of female mammals that contains milk-producing glands; a mammary gland. 2. Another word for mama, or mother.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. my free speech is being oppressed because my company used their free speech to poop on my face and now i feel bad

  8. Bravo and thank you for calling out these SJWs for the hate groups they are.

    They are astoundingly intolerant and bigoted, even against people who they claim to represent, such as myself. Maybe even more so because they consider a gay non-socialist to be a "betrayer"

  9. if you think you're going to be remembered for this in any sort of positive light, you're sadly mistaken

  10. You are a brave man. Thank you for setting the standard and revealing the truth, in spite of the continuous attacks and insensitivity from your previous colleagues and the public.

  11. Best of luck. Thanks for publishing this, I admire your and Damore's bravery.

  12. Thank you Mr. Gudeman for posting and allowing comments. I emailed a complaint to Amazon years ago and I thought their answer was brilliant...they said "The answer to speech is more speech." If America truly had free speech and if free speech can somehow prevail in your case, truth will triumph. It always does in the end anyway...
    I am praying for James Damore and will be praying for you too.

    In Jesus' name,

    P.S. a formula found in the New Testament (KJV or Weymouth's New Testament)

    Luke 13:3 + Acts 17:30 + John 3:3-5 + Matthew 16:18-19 + Acts 2:38 + Galatians 1:8-9 + Jesus is coming soon = Dreadful news for most - ETERNAL LIFE for the few who endure to the end.

  13. P.S.S. and prayers for Harmeet Dhillon, your attorney. Interesting article about her here: https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/01/16/google-foe-james-damores-lawyer-has-deep-history-defending-conservative-views/

  14. Looks like where you went wrong was in personalizing against the muslim worker to the extent of questioning/insinuating his actions. The muslim worker raised a general question and you ought to have found a way to express your thinking without what appeared like targeted personalizing. Although i think you didn't mean ill, the move might have appeared to create a hostile work environment for the muslim worker that google might could have faced liability for.
    You cant blame google for wanting to protect themselves against legal liability
